Arid Zone Agriculture in the Aravah in Israel: Unconventional Agroclimatic Resources and Risks

  • David H. K. Amiran The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Keywords: Arid Zone Agriculture, Agro-Technologies, Geothermic Farm


In the Arava section of the rift valley in the fully arid Negev a string of eighteen villages is spread out along the road to Eilat. They utilize--by means of sophisticated agro-technologies-the unique seasonal climate to supply their market areas in the core region of Israel and especially in Europe with out-of-season vegetables, fruits and flowers. Restrictions inherent in arid conditions, the risk element involved, as well as economic limitations create considerable difficulties. An extreme case is the 'geothermic farm' of Paran village, discussed in detail.


Central Bureau of Statistics (1991) Statistical Abstract of Israel. Jerusalem: Government of Israel.

Hochman, E., Vitkon, G., Just, R.E., and Zilberman, D. (1985) The dynamics of agricultural development in sparsely populated areas: The case of the Arava. In: Y. Gradus (ed.) Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands. Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 256-270.
