Industrial Dynamics, Company Life Histories and the Core-Periphery Dilemma

  • Marina van Geenhuizen Erasmus University
  • Peter Nijkamp Free University
Keywords: Industrial Dynamics, Peripheral Regions, Economic Growth, Development Scenarios


Economic development of peripheral regions is a fascinating research theme given the completion of the internal market of the European Community and the diverse position and locational profile of these regions. The present paper is a theoretical and empirical analysis of economic growth of peripheral regions. The first part of the paper deals with various theoretical approaches to regional economic growth and innovation, with a particular focus on peripheral regions in national economies. The second part is an empirical exploration of past economic development in border areas in the Netherlands. This analysis adopts a micro-approach by investigating development trajectories of individual companies. The indigenous growth potential of peripheral regions and their changed position, particularly in relation to new transport and communication functions, then forms the basis for various development scenarios. It is expected that while core-periphery divergences have decreased, new divergences may arise, namely between peripheral regions.


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