Geographical-Economic Elements in Explaining the Spatial Equilibrium and Disequilibrium Theories in Regional Inequality

  • Gabriel Lipshitz Bar-Ilan University
Keywords: Regional Inequality, Spatial Equilibrium, Spatial Disequilibrium, Government Intervention, Microeconomics, Macro-Economics, Graphic Analysis


The purpose of the present study is to combine the basic elements of microeconomics, macro-economics (economic growth), and geographical aspects in order to explain the economic and geographical bases which underlie both the equilibrium and the disequilibrium theories. The explanation encompasses three levels: theoretical background, spatial expression, and a new graphical introduction.                      The theoretical background section surveys the main theories regarding the central question dealt with in this study: do regional disparities decrease over time without government intervention or is government intervention needed to reduce the disparities? This survey provides a scholarly basis for the graphic analysis of the two main theories: spatial equilibrium and spatial disequilibrium. The graphic analysis, which is based on economic and geographic research, constitutes the bulk of the contribution of this study.


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