Values, Images, Identities: Cultural Influences in Public Participation

  • Jean Hillier Curtin University
Keywords: Culture, values, images, representation, planning


In this paper I offer reflective consideration on the role of cultural perceptions and images of place, peoples and their values and how such perceptions are translated into town planning policy-making processes, by whom, and how they affect planning outcomes. I discuss the ways in which the various participants in policymaking processes (planners, members of different residents' community groups, members of other stakeholder organizations) perceive themselves, their values, their geographical places or areas and the other participants and their values respectively, revealing cultural differences of self- and place-identity, of discourse and of values. I attempt to explore how such differences and mindsets may affect planning processes, leading perhaps to participants talking past each other and to confrontation rather than to fully understanding each other and to processes of negotiation. The paper refers to current empirical research in the Perth metropolitan area of Western Australia.



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