Editorial: Thinking National, Thinking Spatial

  • Dennis Pringle National University of Ireland
  • Oren Yiftachel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Keywords: Editorial


During the last two decades, studies of nationalism have virtually exploded to occupy a center-stage in both social sciences and the humanities, spawned by the seminal works of the likes of Ernest Gellner, Anthony Smith, Benedict Anderson, Eli Kadouri, and Eric Hobsbawm. Yet, despite their illuminating insights and breath-taking endeavor, most nationalism studies remain relatively broad and abstract, collapsing too easily nation and state, and devoting only scant attention to the role and impact of intra-national diversity.

The present volume contains six papers that travel the seamline of geography and social theory, and present a rich texture of spatial statements on the problematic of nation and state in our present, globalizing, epoch.