Meteorological Guidelines of Optimal Orientation of Buildings in the Negev Semi-Arid Conditions

  • Dov Skibin Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • Chaya Noah Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Keywords: Meteorological Guidelines, Orientation of Buildings, Semi-Arid Conditions


The microclimate inside a building is strongly influenced by the heat fluxes through the walls, floor, ceiling and windows, by the outdoor meteorology and by the exchange of air through the doors, windows, etc. Considering a standard opening, the latter factor is a function of the orientation of the opening, relative to the wind direction and (to a lesser extent) of the wind speed. Givoni (1965) analyzed the orientation problem and recommended further research of the problem, since complete guidelines could not be obtained at that time. The purpose of the present paper is to determine the orientation of buildings and their openings in Beer Sheva that will optimize the interior microclimate. The optimization takes into account local meteorological factors, such as wind direction and speed, temperature, humidity, rain and dust storms.


Ganor, E., (1979), "The Climate of Beer Sheva," in Y. Gradus and E. Stern, (eds.) The Beer Sheva Book, Jerusalem, Keter Press, pp. 317-324. (Hebrew).

Givoni, B., (1965), "Principles and Problems of Planning the Negev," Meteorologia Be Israel, 3(2), pp. 73-79 (Hebrew).

Landsberg, H. E., (1968), Physical Climatology, Pennsylvania, Gray Printing Co. Munn, R. E., (1970), Biometeorological Methods, New York: Academic Press.

Skibin, D., (1974), "A Generalized Climatological Model of the Flow Structure in Beer Sheva Area", Urban Research Unit, Publication No.4, Beer Sheva.

Skibin, D., (1979), "Life Quality in Beer Sheva - Meteorological Aspects", in Y. Gradus and E. Stern (eds.) The Beer Sheva Book, Jerusalem, Keter Press, pp. 325-331. Hebrew)

Skibin, D. and Hod, A., (1979), "Subjective Analysis of Mesoscale Flow Pattern in Northern Israel," Journal of Applied Meteorology, (18), pp. 329-338.
