Lines in Practice: Thinking Architectural Representation through Feminist Critiques of geometry

  • Katie Lloyd Thomas University of East London
Keywords: Architectural Representation, Architectural Practice, Geometry, Feminism, Donna Haraway, Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray


To design, negotiate, quantify, legislate and produce buildings, architecture uses a highly codified system of drawing that is based in Cartesian geometry. The work of three feminists, Donna Haraway, Julia Kristeva and Luce Irigaray uncovers problems and limits of geometry and raises questions for its unchallenged use within the architectural discipline. The work suggests figurations-imaginaries for changethat might be productive for critical architectural 'representations'. How have artists and architects disrupted linear conventions, and what implications might these challenges have not only for how architecture is represented but how it is practiced?


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