Geographical Information Technologies and Availability of Spatial Data in Israel

  • Dan G. Blumberg Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Keywords: GIT, GIS, Remote-Sensing, National GIS


The field of geographic information technologies (GIT), including geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing, is at the forefront of geographical research today. GIS and remote sensing methods are used by some of the local municipal councils and governmental institutions in Israel with several new institutes being added every year. The Survey of Israel (SOl) is one of the leading governmental institutions in this field in Israel and is in the process of creating a national GIS. This GIS will allow full supervision of information from all authorities belonging to a statutory region, and also will advance urban and regional management. As the process of implementation takes place, technological improvements are being made, with the result that more and more end users can access the GIS. Israel is also at the forefront of GIT in its remote sensing capabilities. The Imagesat International (lSI) Company of Israel launched the first of a series of satellites with high-resolution cameras in December 2001. The camera deployed in the first satellite is already operative and data are available commercially with a spatial resolution of 1. 8 m. There is no doubt that GIT offers many advantages in the decision-making processes and management of regional information, in addition to data collection and storage.


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