Green Corridors in Central Israel: a GIS Analysis of Alternative Spatial Configurations

  • Yafit Cohen Bar-Ilan University
Keywords: Human-Dominated Landscapes, Landscape Fragmentation, Ecological Networks, Connectivity, Core Areas, Green Corridors, GIS Analysis


The use of a GIS-based method for determining ecological cores and corridor routes is described. Least environmentally disturbed corridors were delineated using standard database and ARC/GRID least-cost path functions. Progressive analysis taking into consideration historic and archeological values, width, existence of bottlenecks, types of connections and regional functioning is discussed. Two wide corridors, representing an agricultural ring with a low-density village pattern surrounding a central rural zone, are suggested for landscape conservation of this region. The National Outline Plan 35 (NOP35) defined general definitions of ecological networks elements. According to these definitions the described GIS approach enables the delineation of relatively large-scale corridors with precise contour lines. It is suggested that it be applied gradually to the entire country for progressive land use planning and to forward planning from the theoretical to the practical stage


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