African Immigrants to Canada and the United States: Some Socio-Economic and Spatial Dimensions

  • Kwadwo Konadu-Agyemang University of Akron
Keywords: African Immigrants, Immigration Act, Spatial Distribution, Immigrant Arrival


The purpose of this study is to gain insight into African immigration to the Canada and the U.S. While African immigration to Canada and the U.S. is not a new phenomenon, there have been sharp increases in immigrant arrivals rise since the early 1980s. The increasing African presence could be attributed to a number of factors that include changes in the immigration laws of both countries and better opportunities that constituted pull factors, the deteriorating socio-economic and political conditions in Africa that have conspired to push many Africans to seek better opportunities in the West, and the increasing xenophobia in Europe, the traditional destination of choice for most African immigrants. Despite their increasing numbers, however, not many studies have been undertaken on African immigrants in Canada and the U.S. Drawing on census information and data gleaned from two surveys conducted in Canada and the U.S. by the author, this study sheds some light on certain aspects of African immigrants, including their     socio-economic background and spatial distribution.


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