Labor Supply in a Lifestyle Perspective

  • Lambert van der Laan Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Maroesjka Versantvoort ECORYS Research and Consulting
Keywords: Lifestyle, Labor Supply, Labor Market Models, Regional Analysis


Traditional labor supply theories stress economic variables like unemployment and wages to explain differences in labor supply behavior. Increasingly, however, labor supply theory and modeling includes social and cultural 'non-economic factors and the importance of space. Elaborating these trends, this paper presents the lifestyle concept as a new perspective for regional labor supply modeling. Lifestyle reflects the individual's organization of life and the valuation of diverse aspects of life like the family, housing, leisure and working. Lifestyle groups are based on similar life-course patterns. This paper commences with a review of the traditional labor supply research and the literature engaged with the lifestyle concept. In turn, the attributes of this concept are connected to variations in labor supply. This results in a lifestyle labor supply model by which the work orientation of various lifestyle groups is analyzed. Moreover, the spatial aspects of the lifestyle are included.


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