Glocal Spatial Lifestyle in Tel Aviv

  • Izhak Schnell Tel Aviv University
Keywords: Spatial Lifestyle, Glocal lifestyle, Regionaiization, Neighborhood of Strangers, Telecommunication, Sense of Belonging


Tel-Aviv-Jaffa's members of the glocal lifestyle tend to perform their daily life in two reaches: their corporeal daily-life circulations and a virtual space o/telecommunication and Internet. Their experiential space spreads into global horizons with the spaces of daily reaches intentionally being estranged. They experience three different types of reference groups. 'They maintain a home out of their residential home and few friends based on sentiments and strong sense of belonging. Reference groups of interest and concern, in contrast, are more carefully considered and subjected to the project of the growth of the self Estranged spaces become an adequate arena for mask game, in which the status of the home as an existential 'zero point' is deteriorating. The estrangement from home spaces enables easy residential mobility and movement throughout the spaces of the network society. This further detaches them from home places, leading to the globalization of their spatial awareness on the one hand, but at the same time, to the maintenance of a nurturing home in one's locality.


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