The Pertinence of the Macro-Thunian Analysis: the Case of Israel

  • Aharon Kellerman University of Haifa
Keywords: Crop Regional Specialization, Macro-Thunian Model, Rent-Factors


The findings of this research make the macro-Thunian model more doubtful for the study of rent factors in countries of advanced agriculture. While it is hoped that further empirical studies of this model in European countries will improve our understanding of the model. It might well be that the focus of our willingness to understand rent-factors in a nation-wide context should be directed to other possible avenues of explanation. The suggestion, made in this paper, is to study more carefully regional crop specialization. Other rent-factors which might well be major ones are the spatial structure of government subsidies and major regions of exports. These last two rent-factors should be studied in terms of their interrelationships with crop regional specialization.


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