Towards an Understanding of Aboriginal Regional Corporations: The Case of the Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic of Canada

  • James C. Saku Frostburg State University
Keywords: Aboriginal Canadians, Economic Development, Inuvialuit Final Agreement, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Modern Land Claim Agreements


A new approach to economic development in northern Canadian Aboriginal communities emerged about three decades ago. Through the settlement of Modern Land Claim Agreements (MLCAs), Aboriginal corporations were created to address regional economic issues of Aboriginal people. With complex institutional structures, these corporations provide the opportunity for Aboriginal people to be involved in the management and decision-making process of their lands and communities. This paper examines the corporate structures created in the Western Arctic of Canada when the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) was achieved in 1984. In particular, the functions of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) and its subsidiaries in advancing regional economic development of the Inuvialuit are examined.


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