Entrepreneur, Aboriginal Values and Stakeholder Interests: Proposition of a Framework for Conflict Resolution

  • Jean-Marie Nkongolo-Bakenda University of Regina
  • Robert B. Anderson University of Regina
  • Bob Kayseas First Nations University of Canada
  • Ronald D. Camp II University of Regina
Keywords: Indigenous People, Indigenous Rights, Indigenous Values, Resource Development, Conflict Resolution


Entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the means to ensure the socio-economic development of Aboriginal communities. However, the dominant theories on entrepreneurship are largely a result of observations made on Euro-American societies; yet Aboriginal communities are recognized for their resistance to the assimilation of Euro-American values and a desire to retain their traditional values when the former conflict strongly with the latter. At the same time, these communities do share many resources with Euro-American communities particularly those associated with place - traditional Aboriginal lands and activities on those lands. This resource sharing and resistance to assimilation sometimes leads to conflicts. Based on observations of conflicts between Aboriginal communities and non-Aboriginal groups in Canada and Africa, this paper proposes a framework for resolving these conflicts. It then analyzes other, similar conflicts and shows how the framework could be used for their resolution.


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