Conceptual Models of Developing Preindustrial Cities: An Examination of their Applicability to 19th Century Palestine

  • Ruth Kark The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Keywords: Urban Change, Nineteenth Century Palestine, Middle Eastern City, Preindustrial City


The applicability of "classic" theories or models of urban change to nineteenth century Palestine is examined in light of an empiric study of Jerusalem and Jaffa. Findings from a detailed study are compared with generalizations made by researchers of the Middle Eastern city and the preindustrial city. The characteristics of Jerusalem and Jaffa resembled the prevailing generalizations made on the traditional Middle Eastern city. Typologies of the preindustrial city, however, tended to be overly general and dichotomous, not taking into account the varying cultural background and the temporal aspects of cities. Although they contributed little to the understanding of these nineteenth century Palestine cities, the typologies provide a conceptual framework for comparative study.


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