Energy Resource Development, Energy Use, and Indigenous Peoples: a Case Study of Native North Americans

  • David Stea University of Wisconsin
Keywords: Energy Resource Development, Energy Use, Indigenous Peoples, Neocolonialism


Energy development and energy use play a significant role in the lives of native peoples worldwide. Such native peoples are most frequently non-autonomous groups whose lands lie completely inside the bounds of politically independent nations. Recently, some have begun to refer to themselves, collectively as the "Fourth World." Among these Fourth Worlders are the Native Peoples of the U.S.A. and Canada, usually called Indians or Native Americans, Native Canadians, Inuit and Aleuts. This paper examines the relationship between the energy-associated problems and actions of the native peoples of these two nations: energy production and extraction, energy utilization in housing and transportation, and the relationship of energy exploitation to differing concepts of land. The observations made are interpreted in terms of the economic relationships of native peoples to dominant societies, and to such theoretical concepts as neocolonialism, underdevelopment, and dependency.


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