An Overview of the Coastal Management in the Planning System of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, at the Local Government Level: Is an Environmental Statutory Shift in Planning Law Overdue?

  • Andrew H. Kelly University of Wollongong
Keywords: Coastal Management, Planning, Zoning, History, Expanding Townships


This paper follows how local governance in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, has dealt with land-use control in protecting – or ignoring – a fragile coastline. By looking throughout the history from colonialism to modern-day local government, and the emergence of ‘local environmentalism’ and ‘ecological sustainable development’, it raises issues concerning the position of local councils in battling coastal erosion and related concerns. While many councils now have solid expertise in this area, there is need for a more regional approach and re-checking poor decisions.  Nevertheless, local government is the key statutory authority here being located at the environmental forefront.


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