Driven by fear? Commuting and Fear of Terrorism in the West Bank

  • Nir Cohen Bar Ilan University
  • Orit Rotem-Mindali Bar Ilan University
Keywords: Perceived Safety, Fear of Terrorism, Commuting, West Bank, Settlers


This study examines perceived safety of individuals driving through politically contested territories. Using on-line surveys, residents of Israeli settlements in the West-Bank were asked to report on their perceived safety from terrorism while commuting. The research identified and controlled for three sets of variables, namely, personal, environmental and situational. The results show that while level of perceived safety from terrorism among driving settlers is high, it is affected by gender, by the situational setting as well as by environmental factors such as proximity to Jewish localities and road openness and curvedness. 


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pp. 113-137

6. Mobility along Socio-cultural Borders: Brisk-walking in Bedouin Towns
Arnon Ben- Israel
Kaye Academic College

Avinoam Meir
Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Substantial changes in contemporary Bedouin society are reflected in the rise of 'affluence morbidities' which suggest that there is an increasing need to engage in physical activity. Brisk-walking, recently practiced by several dozen residents in the Bedouin towns of Hura and Tel-Sheva reflects the adoption of a new lifestyle that has generated tension when practiced in the public sphere. Based on the qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews and walking participation events, this paper presents both the pioneering brisk-walker's experience and the tensions that have arisen between this activity and the cultural, behavioral and performance constraints that shape Bedouin current urbanity. Taking a space and place approach, the 'legitimate spaces' of brisk-walking are outlined vis-a-vis gender, tribal affiliation, inter-group relationships and the meanings of the preferred type of space for brisk-walking– within the town, in its outlying spaces or in the neighboring Jewish suburbs. In understanding leisure walking spaces as a field of socio-cultural and spatial negotiation within the context of mobile/immobile spaces, the manner in which this unique and complex mobility experience affects walker's sense of place is interpreted.

Key words: Bedouin, brisk-walking, socio-cultural borders, urbanity, constructing mobile third-place, borrowing space.

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