Untimely Metropolitan Field "Rurban" Development - Rural Renaissance as a Geopolitical Process in Israel

  • Baruch A. Kipnis University of Haifa
Keywords: Regional Development, Rurban Communities, Industrial Village, Community Settlement


The nature of the newly developed "rurban" (rural-urban) communities at the edge of the metropolitan field is evaluated using metropolitan Haifa, Israel, as a case study. Rural renaissance and industrialization of the remote periphery of the metropolis have evolved in Israel as a result of geopolitical needs to settle politically-sensitive regions. The emerging rurban communities, the Industrial Village and the Community Settlement, are attractive to middle class, educated, white-collar, middle-aged families who strive to secure their personal space and ex-urban lifestyle in a closed, intimate affinity community. Despite the high expense of such communities, which are financed almost entirely through public funds, the new forms of rurban communities should continue to be considered as a viable vehicle for regional development under geopolitical constraints.


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