The Location of Health Centers in a Rural Region Using a Decision Support System: a Zambian Case Study

  • Bryan H. Massam York University
  • Jacek Malczewski University of Western Ontario
Keywords: Health Care, Health Centers Location, Rural Areas, Computer-Based Decision Support System, DINAS


Many researchers have argued that the provision of high-quality health care in rural areas serves as a vital component in successful development planning. A key element of rural health care planning relates to the search for appropriate locations for health centers. Alternate location patterns must be evaluated and assessed, and definitions of goals and objectives are required. This paper offers a test of a computer-based decision support system (DSS) called DINAS (Dynamic Interactive Network Analysis System) for tackling the problem of comparing alternate locations for health care centers, with a view to identifying the most appropriate location for a center. Prior to discussing the application of DINAS to a specific location problem in two districts in Zambia (Mpika and Sesheke), general comments on DSSare provided. In Mpika seven alternate locations are evaluated, using six criteria relating to .accessibility and potential utilization patterns. The same set of criteria is used for the Sesheke District data set, and ten locations are considered. The site selection problem had to be stated in a specific way in order that DINAS could be used, since this DSS had traditionally been applied to location-allocation problems. The results generated by DINAS are compared to those provided by the application of concordance analysis. Finally, it is suggested that a DSS, such as DINAS, can contribute to improved planning.


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