Measurements of Dew at a Desert Site in Southern Israel

  • Abraham Zangvil Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
  • Perla Druian Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
Keywords: Desert Ecosystem, Dew Formation, Dew Monitoring


One of the least explored aspects of desert meteorology is dew formation. Dew may play an important role in the water balance and growth regime of certain desert plants. This in turn may affect the whole desert ecosystem. Dew may also influence the occurrence of plant disease in newly developed desert agriculture. In order to obtain this information for the dew formation and study the atmospheric conditions involved in dew formation, dew monitoring was started in January 1977 at the meteorological experimental site of the Institute for Desert Research in Sede Boker. In the next Section, we describe the general atmospheric and synoptic conditions conducive to dew formation in Israel. In the following Section, the instrumentation and measurement site are discussed. The results of three years of dew monitoring are presented in the last Section.


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