Optimizing the Spacing of Feeder Road Systems

  • Gerald M. Barber University of Victoria
Keywords: Transport Geography, Feeder Roads, Optimal Spacing, Construction Cost, Land Rent, Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations


This paper examines the optimal spacing of a set of feeder roads emanating from a single penetration road which has previously been extended into the hinterland of a port. The specification of the optimal structure is based on an analysis of the relationship between the cost of feeder road construction and the increases in land rent they provide, The feeder road structure is completely specified by the distances between successive feeders along the main penetration road. These spacings can be determined by solving a set of nonlinear simultaneous equations, Numerical analysis can then be used to evaluate the sensitivity of these optimal spacings (including the number of feeders to be built) to changes in the key parameters of on and off-road transport rates and the per mile construction cost of feeder roads.


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