Bedouin on the Borders: The impact of political-geographical borders on settlement of Bedouin in Galilee during the British Mandate, 1918-1948

  • Tomer Mazarib Department of History, Oranim Academic College, Israel
Keywords: Administrative agreements and laws; Bedouin; borders; British Mandate; Galilee


This article examines the significance of political-geographical borders enforced by the British Mandatory government in Palestine between the years 1918-1948, and their implications for settlement of the Bedouin population in permanent locations in the Galilee, northern Israel. The British Mandatory government in Palestine enacted administrative agreements and laws aimed at controlling the local population, inter alia, in order to regulate the land resources and utilize them effectively for its interests. During the same period, Zionist institutions purchased land considered essential to the Bedouin, causing Bedouin to be pushed-off of their grazing and agriculture lands. All of these contributed to the settlement of Bedouin into permanent localities in the Galilee. This article is based on archival sources and research literature, as well as on 14 in-depth interviews with Bedouin residents of the Galilee conducted between 2013-2015.


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