The Visiting Border Worker’s Card Program in Mexico

  • Natasha Montes Hernández Civil Activist
  • Johanna K. Schenner
  • María Antonieta Barrón Pérez
  • Rafael León Pérez
Keywords: Migrant Workers, Visiting Border Worker’s Card, Mexico-Guatemala border


This paper explores the phenomenon of labor migration on Mexico's southern border, particularly through the Visiting Border Worker’s Card Program. Through the review of bibliographic and statistical sources, it addresses the general characterization of the Mexico-Guatemala border region, and the changes in the policies of issuance and dissemination of documented labor migration. In addition, it explores some of the labor conditions that migrants experience in Mexico, most of the time in situations of great vulnerability. Considering these violations is fundamental to the securitization of this border region and the dissemination of documented migration.


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